My LandArt,

( voor Nederlands klik op de vlag )

On instagram, is most up to date with my pictures

A temporary piece of art, made outside inspired by the spot and made with natural materials found on the spot. I like to limit myself to only one, max two types of material, circles, spirals and wavy lines often come back in my work. Its often a little battle with nature, wind, rain, shadows can make producing these works tricky. Also I always need to keep an eye out for dogs who seem to be attracted to my work. A lot of the work has been made around the place I live in Gelderland, the Netherlands. But others are created in Morocco, France, Czech Republic, Ireland and England. Artist like Andy Goldsworthy and James Brunt are big sources of inspiration for me.

In my store you can buy Postcards and Canvasses with prints of my work.Please contact me if you would like to order a print of my works. \
Via the website of "Werk aan de Muur" you can order canvasses of my work in many sizes. 

In the packs of Pakje Kunst you can find my work. You also will find a DIY package. I dare you to try it out yourself ! Tips on making your own landart you can find here. 

Images used for the Keyhanger in Pakje kunst

From february 14 2020 you can find my work in the shop Angelart Kunst&Zo from Angela Peters in Hattem, the address is Achterstraat 50, Hattem

Recently I gave a workshop in making landart, one of the participants made a great video  from the workshop.